Paul Taylor Dance Company



During the summer of 2015 dancer Michael Apuzzo of Paul Taylor Dance Company, and event planner/former Broadway performer Eric Gunhus came up with the idea to bring a new and fresh event to East Hampton: a dance festival of some the most prestigious dance companies and prominent dancers in the world, sharing their gifts to raise funds in support of the arts and the local community.  

Michael & Eric decided to combine their efforts and the collaboration brought Dancers For Good to life with their acclaimed event in summer of 2016. Dancers For Good incorporated as their own 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2018.

The name Dancers For Good is two-fold in meaning:  Dance is a discipline that stays with the dancer for life…for good. Additionally, this event brings together incredible dancers eager to give their time, talents and energy for charitable philanthropy…to do good.  This celebration allows all of us an opportunity to experience Dancers For Good.